Summer vibes continue apace here at Tiny Revolutions HQ. We’re striking up conversations with strangers, we’re meeting up with old friends in person, we’re planning vacations and generally behaving like people who’ve been cooped up for months and months and months on end.
I took my own advice last week and have been trying to go as easy as possible – no new projects, doing less overall but devoting great attention to the things I’ve already committed to. Trying to take my head out of the digital world and more into the real, but, you know, judiciously.
It’s been great. I’m coming out of that exhausted phase I wrote about a few weeks ago, where I was keenly aware of having lost the executive functioning required to manage a social life after so long of not really having one. The doing less has been helpful, but it’s also just building back the muscles required to juggle things.
So now that I’m not as tired, I’ve been feeling more myself, and therefore more present. More attuned to things like the quality of light, smells, colors, tastes, etc. It’s fascinating. As an example, the jasmine here in L.A. is always fragrant this time of year, but this year it seems especially pungent – every time I pass a bush I have to stop and fully take it in. Same with all the flowers, really.
I’m sure this is somehow connected to less mask wearing, but I also think it’s bigger than that. Just one of the side effects of the world opening back up again, both literally and figuratively, and being healthy and strong enough to enjoy it.
Maybe it’s another aspect of gratitude, too. Some friends and I resumed an ongoing game night (Mexican Train Dominoes, y’all!), and I was almost giddy the whole time at just being there. It was pure joy to experience that simple activity of connection – one that I definitely took for granted before the pandemic. So nice to be back!
But enough about me. I’m curious to know what you’re noticing out there. Let me know (anonymously, if you want):
On to some things I found worth sharing this week…
I love this suggestion.
Feeling this.
Prehistoric music! (click in to play)
Gave me a giggle.
Quote I’m Pondering:
We learn in our guts, not just in our brain, that a life of joy is not in seeking happiness, but in experiencing and simply being the circumstances of our life as they are; not in fulfilling personal wants, but in fulfilling the needs of life; not in avoiding pain, but in being pain when it is necessary to do so. Too large an order? Too hard? On the contrary, it is the easy way.
- Charlotte Joko Beck in Everyday Zen
This poem 😍
Note from the Accountability Department
Once again I was a day late with the newsletter – I’m finding my Sundays are a bit more hectic now that there’s more going on in the world. So just a heads up that things might be erratic for a while.
Thanks for reading, as always.
p.s. Really do tell me what you’ve been up to and how you’ve been. I want to know!