Season 2 of The Bear is incredible. Episode 7 is one of the most important stories I have seen on any screen. Richie's story is really important, but that episode is so important. I sent an email to my university president that he needs to watch the show just for that episode as it illustrates his view of how we should take care of students. It illustrates for me how we should all take care of each other. I keep thinking about the teachers who are surprised with a free dinner...even though it was fiction...I love the fact that we don't even see them, so we can project on to the scene anyone that we want.

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Yes, I loved that episode so much, and I love that you work at a university where that is the president's goal! And yes to taking care of each other in this way. Beautiful all around.

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I think it's beautiful that you found the place that was right for you for so long. I have been in San Francisco for 17 years for no other reason than I love it here and I feel so grateful to have found a place like that when many other people don't.

I also think it's beautiful that you recognize it's no longer serving you and are allowing yourself to move on physically and emotionally.

And I couldn't help but think of this song the whole time I was reading:


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Ha, this is so great! I had never heard of Beth Hart or the song, but it's perfect.

And you know, I'm half sure I'll end up back in LA at the end of this, but who knows? That's kinda the fun thing. If not, it means I'm in love with somewhere totally new, which is also fantastic. Glad you have found your place in SF for however long it lasts.

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My brother lives in LA and it took me a long time to find things I like there but I have come to appreciate a lot and I play this song every time the car pulls out from his place to drive back home 🤣 I am excited for your next steps whatever they may be.

Also I laughed out loud about the psychic. I always think of myself as so not about the woo woo compared to what surrounds me but then I leave California and am like “oh I’m so woo” 🤣

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Haha totally. One forgets how outside of California most people are just not thinking of consulting a psychic when at a crossroads. (Their loss!!) I embrace the woo these days -- it's fun!

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💯 I am also very vanilla here then I leave here and am like “oh that was an edgy inappropriate thing to say?” 🤣🤣

I also got my psychology degree here in a woo woo program so half my friends are therapists and the other half are artists and I am baffled when I find myself in conversations where people aren’t just sharing all of their emotions 🤣🤣

Enjoy the woo!

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Yes! I often think about that too -- like sometimes I realize I have gone too far, and then sometimes it doesn't even occur to me that I might have scandalized someone with a comment or made them think I'm completely insane. But once again, fun! 🤣

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Great update! Lots of excellent recommendations, too. Hope to see more of these in the coming days.

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Thanks, Joey!

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Sara Campbell

Have loved following your adventures on IG. Glad I got to link with you before you left LA, so thank you for that! For someone who wasn't born here, I appreciate anyone that can develop a love for the city the way you have. Many blessings on your continuing journey and looking forward to where else you may land.

Also agree on The Bear - it's incredible. The "Fishes" and "Forks" eps were for sure some of the best TV I've seen all year. So dope to see it's getting the love it deserves!

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Thank you so much, Rick, and likewise! I love your love for the city too -- it's a great one you were born into. Feel lucky and grateful I got to share it.

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You're back Sara! Love seeing TR in my inbox - keep riding that wave and discovering beauty in places that feel like home

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Thank you so much, Laura!

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What a wonderful journey you're on, Sara. We were just reading some of Rob's horoscopes and commenting on how spot-on they were. I used to send them as texts to stay in touch with my daughters. After he banned me for 100 yrs from commenting, for saying I didn't think a man should define what feminine intelligence was, I've been more conflicted and did this episode on him, the first in my tonic masculinity series: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/tonic-masculinity-and-feminine-wiles. But I think I should go back to appreciating his genius, because I'm only hurting myself, as you've reminded me with this quote. Thanks for sharing your insights!

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Oh man, yikes, Tereza! Just read your post and I'm with you. But I'll continue to appreciate his genius!

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I’ve always struggled with the concept of moving to embrace a new place vs. running away from an old place. I’m in that in-between myself. Sounds like you’ve got the embracing down though! My friend/coworker just came back from the Boundary Waters... a healing space to be sure!! Enjoy your journey, esp MN (or anywhere north) during the autumn!

PS LOVE Rob Brezsny! He blows my mind weekly with perfect synchronicities!

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Well, embracing is a day-by-day effort, but I am damn sure trying. I know what you mean though -- I think I was done with LA a while ago but really wanted to feel like I was running toward something. And as it turns out, the only thing I could think of to run toward was a tour and not a fixed destination. I'm lucky I get to do it this way! And thanks for the well wishes. I am excited about a proper fall!

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Ahhhh. Running toward a tour sounds like a perfect solution in my book!

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I remember whispers of the feeling you’re describing when I left Seattle. And now, to contemplate leaving Ithaca after 22 years! It’s very brave, what you’re doing. Thank you for letting us experience it vicariously with you. I’m sad we didn’t connect when you were Upstate! But all my people who are in the Twin Cities are smitten by it. I hope your time there-- however long-- is fruitful. XO ❤️

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Aw, thanks, Asha. I'll be back in upstate NYC later this fall and would love to link up then!

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Sara Campbell

OH! Enjoy the Boundary Waters! Lucky you.

As someone who cut ties with NYC after 40 (!!) years in our loft, I can relate to your bittersweet departure from LA. It's gonna be OK...exploring the world is ...liberating. Come spend some time in Europe. I think you'd enjoy it.

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Thanks so much, Jude! Would love to spend time in Europe and will keep it on the list. :)

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“I did undergo a profound transformation, but it was not the one I imagined.” That line really gelled with me. I moved to London as well holding out for many dreams and a radical transformation of my life. Radical transformations ensued but never in the way I could have even imagined.

And because we are so hooked on the things we want not happening, we never realise the other quieter transformation happening.

I wish you all the luck in this new phase of yoru life. Hope it will bring you more unexpected transformations.

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Thank you so much, Shobaa! So true about the quieter transformations being easy to miss.

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Gosh it’s great to read your work again. I love living in LA and I’ve loved living other places too, the one that I miss the most being Kansas City (I lived in a small neighborhood called Fairway on the Kansas side). If you’re still searching for a landing place next year, consider visiting in May, when it’s incredibly green everywhere, except for the thousands of pink peonies and purple lilacs. Eat at Q39 and Heirloom Bakery and don’t skip the Nelson Atkins museum.

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Thanks so much, Alex! I'm so glad to have you here! Kansas in May sounds so dreamy -- will put it on the list.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Sara Campbell

So glad to hear you are thriving on the road! Moving tats on making the leap out of LA that no longer felt like a good fit for you. Enjoy the high excitement of learning new places and the people in them, including yourself. As always, love reading your thoughts — sporadically published or not.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Sara Campbell

“Moving tats?” Sounds very LA too! That was supposed to say, Congrats! :)

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❤️❤️❤️ Thanks so much, Christina.

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so wonderful to read in the hurricane and earthquake afternoon in LA. be safe and send us more soon!

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Love you, Steph! ❤️

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