
back in nyc looking at my “can this be okay” sign and longing for a word from you and there you are! loved each word and you! i am beyond periods but not beyond resting!

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Resting for everyone! Miss you lady. Enjoy NYC in spring 🌹🪻🌸🌷🌼

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I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve let go of the need to “prioritise that important big project” in order for a newer, more elegant answer to rise whilst it’s on the back burner. Trust your intuition. Trust the process.

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The only way. But so damn hard!!

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Mar 31Liked by Sara Campbell

Ha!I am also beyond periods, although my body doesn’t agree with me yet. So over the perimenopause with its endless roster of things that might signify but probably don’t—and yet it is a useful lesson in patience with things one cannot control.

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That's a great way to look at perimenopause. I'm in the early stages (I think? I mean, I'm somewhere, who knows where, in the process) myself, and it's surely part of it all. LMK if you have any other valuable insights from this interesting stage haha🙏

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Mar 31Liked by Sara Campbell

YES! We must pay proper respect to the luteal phase! 🔥✌️🔥

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Y E S 🌹🌹🌹

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Mar 31Liked by Sara Campbell

Wow, yes! I just published something similar (this shit takes its time!) It’s in the water. And it’s reeeeeally hard to take our own advice. Ugh PMS and Covid. I can’t. Also, I’m 44 and last night I swear was the first time I truly wanted to scream into the void how fucking stupid it is that blood gushes from our bodies EVERY FUCKING MONTH (amongst all the other symptoms that come with) while men are either oblivious or grossed out or ill informed and go about their life unencumbered by the demands of their body. I’m sure my husband would be understanding if I truly asked him to be (but I’ve been “conditioned” to just keep it to myself). Maybe I need to rip a page from the Bible of Sara, Book of Revolutions, Chapter 108.

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Fuck yeah. Gotta start training everyone! Beware motherfuckers!

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Mar 31Liked by Sara Campbell


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*I feel you*, as they say. I've been working on creating a journaling workshop that *should have* been launched months ago. God does laugh at our plans.... ALL THE TIME. The problem of course is telling everyone your plans, then feeling the pressure because everyone is waiting. Except they're probably not really waiting too hard.

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Haha right? Let’s just go with, “when it’s right is when it will happen.” 🙌🏼

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Beautiful musings and insights. Walk in the neighborhood for inspiration struck a cord in me, as well as accepting the downtime. Thanks. You are doing quite enough!!!

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Thank you Toni! Right back atcha 🫶🏼

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