Sep 14, 2020Liked by Sara Campbell

Happy Early Birthday Sara! Fran's haircut looks great! Something that brought me joy this week - I played the piano yesterday for the first time in a looooonnng time. It felt GREAT! Miss you! xoxo

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Can't wait to hear you play again soon! xo

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Sep 20, 2020Liked by Sara Campbell

What I finally realized this week... stop waiting to get back to normal. This is the new norm. What is normal is what is now. Normal will evolve from where we are today, but that’s tomorrow. There is no going back. There is only now.

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Love that, Garry. So much of our misery seems to stem from our expectations.

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thanks! and happy birthday! glad covid, moving, fires, smoke etc didn’t stop you from getting the newsletter out! i thought i was getting depressed but i realized i was being hit by grief and loss! so much loss during this pandemic —i can’t even hug you on your birthday, get closer than 6 feet wearing a mask OUTDOORS! But i can change my focus to what i still can do and write this! thanks for delivering through all this!

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Your pup's cut is GREAT!

Happy Almost Not Quite Birthday

Really dug the Brace Space and resonate with Solastalgia.

If you haven't watched the Blade Runner 2049 mashed up w/ San Francisco drone footage, check it out.

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Thank you! And going to check out that mashup now. Sounds apt!

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Not sure if Substack likes links in comments, but here goes:


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Oh man. It's pretty on the nose.

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Sep 14, 2020Liked by Sara Campbell

Happy birthday eve eve Sara!

I gotta say people think I’m crazy when I tell them

Oh bla di oh bla dah is my favorite Beatles song!

The beat thing that happened to me this week was spending time with my 96 year old gram in South Carolina! It was heavenly sitting and chatting with her. We had a wonderful conversation about the afterlife, and how she is excited to go see my grandpa, and not scared in the slightest! Made everything okay knowing that if she’s not scarred after 96.5 years of “life” thrown at her, why should I be upset about her leaving the mortal world to go reunite with her bestest friend ever! (She and my grandpa met when they were 6 years old, never left each other’s side, until he passed)☺️She is such a joy!

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That sounds wonderful, and you are so lucky to still have your gram around -- mine passed a few years ago at 95 and I miss her all the time. <3

Funny that's your favorite Beatles song -- it's a light one but so so good!

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Sara, love this, will look forward to this now. This was especially good reading this today and the Beatles song reminding us that Oh bla di OH blah da life goes on, especially after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sad times for our country!! Please stay safe and healthy!! Hugs and thanks again for your uplifting messages!!

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Thank you, Sally! And glad to see you here. <3

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