Aug 17, 2021Liked by Sara Campbell

Loved this, Sara! This piece was so lovely to read after diving into Haley Nahman's newsletter yesterday. (https://haleynahman.substack.com/p/66-what-if-i-told-you-i-have-a-theory) So many affirmations around the fluctuation of the self, which I in the past had seen as a negative quality of mine. Thank you!

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Oooh. Thanks for the link! And glad it resonated — I think it's a tough thing to come to terms with. I have to remind myself all the time that this is just the way I am.

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Aug 17, 2021Liked by Sara Campbell

As it relates to finding oneself I think Jonny Wilkinson had a great answer:

Question to Jonny: "Jonny who are you?"

Jonny: "That's the biggest question life has. If I had an answer for that, that would be my next problem. I have no idea. I see myself as, and every situation as, undecided potential"


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I love both of these, Laurence! Thank you for sharing.

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Aug 17, 2021Liked by Sara Campbell

Hi Sara - this (4th verse) may resonate with your comment on personal brands:


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