Was a nice surprise seeing SSI represented! Lived there a couple years, lovely place. Need to get back soon.

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Lucky you! It’s one of my favorite places on earth.

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so good! great reccos

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Thank you, Aziz!

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Beautiful post, and happy birthday! I also really enjoyed reading your interview with Sari Azout. Lots of great takeaways on the power of vulnerability.

Thanks for writing, and keep doing you!

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Thank you so much, Rika!

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Funny - I was thinking along with these terms this weekend before seeing this article (& listening to the podcast).

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Glad to be on your wavelength, Per!

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I wrote a poem after reading one of the earlier pieces (for some reason I cannot comment directly on it?):



Raw cerebral plonk

Dumbfounded waterfall guru

Slipping LSD into the eyes

Behind the wall

Fishermen sleep heavily

Breathing asynchronously

Wonderful bright

Star aether shine


After shoe

Trying too big


Periscope creatures

Abundantly clear

Looking at you

Why ask why answer

Master Dogen: “A forward step is a mistake, a backwards step is a mistake, one step is a mistake and two steps are a mistake. Therefore, [action] is mistakes at every moment.”

Winterize brain

Take cover

Count to 21 and step backward

In snowfields

White rabbits singing forward


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Per! I love it. Abundantly clear and periscope creatures and mistakes at every moment. So honored to have inspired you. 🙏🙏🙏

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I went and bought 'Realising Genjokoan" as well, it puts some things in a new light. I have been practicing since 2004 or so, mostly in a Chan lineage.

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Oh I hope you enjoy it! I really like his writing and teaching. Don't know much about the Chan lineage but Soto suits me very well.

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Cool! Chan is the Chinese predecessor of the Japanese Zen schools. 'Dhyana' = 'Chan' = 'Zen', same meaning in different languages.

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love this so much! feel totally energized and ready to start monday, thanks! your newsletter (museletter) is a saving grace!

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Honored to be a muse for you!

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Absolutely gorgeous, Sara.

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Thank you, DJ! 💗

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Were you in SSI? My sister lives there! So beautiful.

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Oh nice. Yes! My family has a condo down near the King and Prince. I get there as often as I can — my favorite beach town!

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