On changes, a beautiful conversation on of the last episodes of Better Things, speaking that β€œlife is a series of befores and afters.”

Nice to have you back.

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Thanks, Kevin -- good to be back. And I love that. Better Things has been on my list of things to watch for too long now.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Sara Campbell

oh, I loved the "camera obscura" picture. So poetic!

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this is a lot! thanks! stretcccchhhiiinggg my mind!

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Thanks for this post! Reading through the comments... and I didn't see anyone mention on of my favorite lines, so I'll point it out :)

"...I have been spending a lot more time on living lately than I have on writing."

This is a really interesting observation. I've often felt a tension between writing and living, as if living is a kind of outward facing engagement with reality, where we can be surprised by what IS, and writing is a kind of meta-reality of internal thoughts that merely model what is "out there". Writing is weird. Also, language seems to be inherent to the human experience, but writing and reading are learned skills. What does that mean about human nature? Does that have implications for what we need, as the human animal? Is writing/reading a technology that has changed human nature? I have no idea!

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Haha, great observations! Sounds right to me -- if we go with the "map is not the territory" metaphor, writing is firmly in the map category. Nothing can really capture experience. As for what having to learn reading and writing means, I suppose it comes back to something that always feels true to me, which is that what we do is always more important than what we (or anyone) says or thinks about it.

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Ooo signil! I vaguely knew about this word but thanks for the reminder. I’ve chosen a word for the year for over 30 years and this is another way to give it even more magic. This year’s word is THANKS.

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Love it! And want to see your sigil. :)

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May 3, 2022Liked by Sara Campbell

I think the whole thing with expected passages of rites is about attachments and loosening of it. I passed some of them still as unhappy or worse, sometimes happier. What do we know what people really experience passing these milestones? I think we have to set up our own milestones/tombstones if we really feel those are important to us. I love my Dzogchen practice: lean in to the perfect natural state and leave the BS behind :-)

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"I think we have to set up our own milestones/tombstones if we really feel those are important to us." Yes! My issue was always that I couldn't figure out what my own were. And yet I still measured myself against the ones that I was "supposed" to have. Love the Dzogchen practice!

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Loved the bit about Crypto. I 100% feel the same. We are in the way early days of the technology and it has so much potential to change society in huge ways.

It has flaws of course, but how are we ever to overcome them if we listen to the establishment and just stop trying? When the banks and institutions are telling you only bad things about something that takes power out of their hands, you should probably not listen to them.

I'll definitely have to take a gander at the content you linked around the topic. Always excited to see there are other rational progressives out there.

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Hey Ryan - Thanks! Rational progressives! I like it. So glad you're with me here.

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